Jackdaw Facts - Information About Jackdaw
Western Jackdaw - Corvus Monedula
The Jackdaw is the smallest member of the ‘black’
Crow Family. It is a breeding resident within the UK. On close inspection it is not black but made up of lovely subtle grey tones. It is more likely to feed at the bird table and feeders than the other black
Crows as it is happy to nest in building cavities in our towns.
- Adult Jackdaws of both sexes are alike, juveniles also share the same plumage as adults.
- Jackdaws are a reasonably small Crow averaging about 30cm.
- They are stocky, short billed birds that at a distance appear black.
- Close inspection reveals subtle grey tones and a paler collar.
- Tail, rump, back, wings and mantle all dark, sooty grey.
- Hind neck and head paler silvery grey with a dark forehead, short pointed black bill and dark throat.
- The whole of the ‘face’ area looks dark sooty grey.
- The eye is white, unusual in British Crows
- The underparts are slightly darker than the hind neck but paler than the upper parts.
- The Jackdaw is fairly short tailed and in flight the tail appears slightly rounded, the under-wing is dark grey and the wing tips less rounded, more pointed than the other Crows.
- Its silhouette is unusual, as it appears tail heavy due to its short neck and bill. Bill, legs and eye black.
- Juveniles appear from April onwards and are identical to adults.
- Bill and legs black, eyes are white.
Status and Distribution
The Jackdaw is an abundant breeding resident in the UK with half a million pairs. The Jackdaw occurs in all counties throughout the UK, like most
Crows less common in the Scottish Highlands.
Habitat / Food
Jackdaws occur in all habitat types throughout the UK, woodlands, parks, gardens, farmland, hedgerows indeed any open country habitat. Occurs very frequently in town gardens, especially during breeding season
Jackdaws feed on scavenged eggs, carrion,
Fruit, nestlings,
Mealworms; they also feed on
Worms, snails,
Insects and will happily take
Seed Mixes.
Song / Call
Several call notes, commonest is a relatively high pitched ‘jickaaw’ like is saying jackdaw! Other notes in same pitch are ‘Kyak’ – ‘Keeyak ‘ and an alarm call of ‘Kiiyaar’.